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Step-by-step guide to designing on Canva

Canva is here to bring your imagination to life and all your designs help you turn imagination into a finished design in minutes with this step-by-step tutorial for designing from scratch in Canva.

on February 20, 2022
اهم ما يميز مشروعك هو الاسم !! كيف نختار اسم للمشروع! مقالة تساعدك على اختيار اسم مناسب

The most important thing that distinguishes your project is the name!! How do we choose a name for the project? An article that helps you choose a suitable name

It can be difficult to come up with a successful name for your business. With so many things to consider, it's no wonder many new entrepreneurs struggle to find the perfect title. This article will take the guesswork out of choosing a name for your business, based on common naming...
on December 08, 2021
كيف تفتح وكالة تسويق بدون خبرة؟ وتبيع الخدمات او ما يسمى الدروب سيرفس

How to open a marketing agency without experience? And sell services or what is called drop service

Have you ever heard of this term “drop service”? Do you know the difference between it and drop shipping? How can you work and make profits through this business? We will answer all these questions in detail. I just want you to focus with me. What is meant by drop...
on November 02, 2021
نسمع كثيرا عن الدروب شيبينج ! ولكن هل تعرف ماهو الدروب شيبينج مع زد؟

We hear a lot about drop shipping! But do you know what drop shipping is with ZD?

Dropshipping is the process of connecting wholesalers with consumers and selling products and marketing them through your online store to them without the need for products to exist.

on August 24, 2021
ايش يعني لوجو ؟ او ليش نحتاج نصمم شعار للبزنس؟

What does logo mean? Or why do we need to design a logo for business?

Logo design is a symbol made up of text as well as images that help us identify the brands we love. It helps customers understand what you do.

Article Keyword: Logo Design

on June 29, 2021
نعرف ما هي التجارة التقليدية، لكن ماهي التجارة الالكترونية؟

We know what traditional commerce is, but what is e-commerce?

E-commerce is considered the process of buying and selling goods and services, or transferring money or data, via a specific electronic network, most notably the Internet.

on June 28, 2021



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